Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Friday, October 2, 2020
Achieving Mastery
The only goal worthy of achieving for anyone, even ex-cons is achieving mastery in any given field, master carpenter, master electrician, master plumber, et cetera, et cetera… once you achieve mastery you are able to earn a living wage. What is a living wage in America? $70,000.00 per year. A person that had achieved mastery can go into any city and find work while earning $70,000.00 per year. Achieving this is crossing home plate. After 6.25 years in prison I paroled and chose the field of Information Technology as my career path. I went to college and got a BS in CIS (Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems) then I went on to grad school for a Masters in Information Systems. I have a Security Clearance for the work I did as an IT Consultant to the Federal Government and I have 10 years’ experience of Teaching and Training Information Technology. After your 40 hour work week you should be spending another 20 hours a week on making yourself more marketable by doing things to raise your skill level. This can be done by taking workshops, classes (not necessarily a college degree) or by working a second job, a part-time job in the field you are working in. After 10,000 hours of extra work you should achieve Mastery. That's 10 years, 10 Years of working minimum of 60 hours a week. You just made it to first base. You are a long way from scoring. Time to get to work. Mastery is the only goal worth striving for and achieving. The End...
Friday, September 18, 2020
Hitting rock-fucking bottom
You might think going to prison would be hitting rock-fucking bottom in life but that's not true for those who use prison as a revolving door. It was my experience that the vast majority of convicts getting to prison take out a shovel and begin digging deeper and deeper as to hit lower and lower levels of rock bottom as time passes. This is why it's not possible for most ex-cons to create any semblance of a meaningful and quality life after prison. For those convicts using prison as a revolving door have a life filled with nothing but evil so these people are broken human beings, they are beyond redemption, beyond rehabilitation and as such beyond the possibility of creating a successful and meaningful life after prison. This is a truth people don't want to hear or accept.
Prison Gang Members
Having watched how prison nazi’s live their lives behind bars made me ashamed to be Caucasian, it made me ashamed to be part of the human race until I realized the prison nazi’s were not human at all, prison nazi’s are most definitely SUBHUMAN. I can think of no logical reason why our federal government fails to pass a law allowing the prison system to take every prison nazi out behind the prison, forced them to dig a shallow grave then shoot, one bullet, to the medulla oblongata (back of the head). This action would elevate the human race and save billions of tax dollars.
The same
thing should happen to the black prison gang members and the Mexican prison
gang members. We cannot play favorites with any of the prison gang members.
They all need to go!
When I see, on camera, a black police officer stand by and watch a white police officer (KKK Member) do NOTHING when the white police officer murders, in cold blood, a black man I think about the term “SCUMBAG UNCLE TOM"