Wednesday, August 22, 2012

B78) Writer's block (part two)

It was unfair and inaccurate for me to have referred to my of recent lack of posting as writers block. That's not the truth. I did not stop writing. I stopped posting.  An odd form of doubt entered the equation of my blogging.  It did not make sense. It does not make sense. I post without editing all the time. I get the words out and move on. It's just emotion in print. That's what it feels like. This is what I'm going after. I'm hoping to make others feel what I felt.   

Eventually I reread my postings. Each time I reread them I'm humbled. My writing faux pas are endless. 

I need an editor. As joyful and good intentioned as my critics are with their willingness to point out my flaws, I need more criticism. Better criticism. Constructive criticism. It would be of immense help if my critics would direct me to their websites or their blogs so I can see first hand what my critics have to offer as an example of "right". 

Often critics are do as I say and not as I do............ kind of people?

I'm entertaining all offers for proof readers or editors for my blog. The pay is minimal (zero dollars. zero cents). If the blog takes off and we get a million hits a day then there would be some serious $$$$ financial rewards/ compensation.

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