Sunday, June 24, 2012

B40) “Catholic Priest on the cell block”

1996. Back to court on appeal (Maricopa County, Madison Street Jail).

This particular jail has pods not cell blocks. A pod is much smaller than a cell block, maybe twenty to thirty inmates (easy to manage) where a cell block can have a hundred or more inmates (difficult to manage). The pod has only two floors where a cell block can have more than two floors.

In total I probably spent twelve months in that jail. That jail is hard time.

Properly stated: “Catholic Priest on the pod” but it doesn’t sound right.

After arriving to the pod I was quick to find out about the old man in the pod, he was a Catholic priest. It’s amazing how fast information moves through a prison or jail. The old man was using a walker to get around. I’d never seen someone with a walker in jail or in prison before so he was hard to miss. The Catholic Priest looked to be in his sixties. He was quiet and kept to himself.

Normally they run sex offenders off. I think this guy got a pass because of his age and health. No one was willing to beat him up because he looked so frail. If you punch him and he dies that is manslaughter.

(Side Note)
The average sentence for manslaughter in America is five years. I got ten years for possession of marijuana. It’s a painful reality; you can kill someone and get less time in America than some involved with a victimless and non violent crime (possessing marijuana). This is proof of the irrationality of our drug policy and that mindless slaves taking part in it and those guilty of perpetuating it.


After pleading guilty to eight counts of child molestation the catholic priest was give probation.

(When I heard that my head literally exploded. Just like in the cartoons)

Unfucking believable.  Eight counts of raping little boys and the mother fucker got probation. This is one aspect of life in America that makes me want to puke!

I had the opportunity to speak to an inmate chained to the priest while in court. That’s how it goes for inmates going to court from the jail. They’re handcuffed together as many as ten to twelve inmates and they are seated in the jury box in the courtroom while waiting for the bailiff to call their case.

No privacy.

Apparently the priest plead guilty to molesting eight boys. The judge gave him a suspended sentence  which means probation. Within six months the priest molested another boy. The new charge violated his probation agreement and the judge gave him eight ten year sentences.

Who does this make sense to? (Maybe this is where all the "religious" people chime in to affirm the logic)

This really is a crazy world.

When I did get resentenced the judge knocked off one year from my sentence. I went from ten and a half years to nine and a half years. Nine and one half years on a non violent and victimless crime. That would get me out nine months sooner.

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