Friday, July 13, 2012

B49) Workers never hustle and hustlers never work

“There are two kinds of people in the world, Workers and Hustles. Workers never hustle and hustlers never work”
What kind of person are you?
I've experienced very few exceptions to this rule. The most common exception is watching quitting time for "workers". If you want to see the dead come back to life watch what happens at five o’clock in an office full of "workers". "Workers" not only come back to life they sprint to the door. They drag their asses in every morning, no enthusiasm, no passion and very little thanks if any for the job. Miraculously workers find enthusiasm for leaving work.
It does not have to be that way!
Not enough people have passion for their job and I think this is a shame. It doesn't need to be that way. Too few people are taught to follow their passions. Even fewer have their passion cultivated in any meaningful way.
Everyone knows the statistic, Eighty percent (80%) of the workforce is miserable with their job.
This statistic adds to the reason why people become alcoholics and drug addicts. This adds to the reason people gorge themselves becoming obese and profoundly unhealthy.
Statistic: 30% (Thirty percent) of the population in America is obese. Don't give me that bullshit obese people are fat and jolly. No one wants to be obese but the thinking seems to be, if I can't be happy at work and in my marriage or with my life, then I will be happy with my food or my beer or my mistress or all three.
(At six feet tall and two hundred and twenty pounds I am considered obese by the medical professionals. My passion, personality and Joy are not in my fat.
I have my issues just like everyone else. )
This adds to the reason people drink like fish and smoke like chimneys.
This adds to the divorce rate. This adds to the number of people beating their kids, cheating on their spouses and stealing from their employers. This adds to the reason people get cancer and a host of other medical conditions easily influenced by state of mind and the happiness factor.
Miserable people spread misery.
With 80% of the workforce unhappy that makes for a lot of miserable people and a lot of toxic lives.
Misery loves company. I have seen so many miserable people guiding others to a similar misery because misery Loves company. I reject the notion people do this because they think it's the "right" thing to do. If you are miserable and you are showing others how to live life, guess what. You are giving a roadmap to misery.
The divorce rate in America is over 50% . If you were to add to that number all the loveless marriages and unhealthy toxic marriages how high would it go?
or maybe 80%?
Takikng the train when you work downtwon adds three hours in commuting. For the nine to five jobs. The commuters have three hours added to their work day in commute time. Every nine hour day becomes a twelve hour day. The jobs downtown pay more but there are those three hours.

I would board at the Aurora Station. Take a seat up front, preferably the second car back. I sit upstairs on a single seat.  On the way to work I tipically sleep. On the way home I listen to music or to an audio book.  Fridays' were always my favorite. I'd grab a drink in the train station and bring it to the train for my ride home.

The train slowed at the Rt. 59 station. We were scheduled to stop but we were on the wrong track. Something was amiss. I was just getting ready to doze off for the hour ride into the city. As we eased past the platform I saw it. The body. A jumper. Suicide. The sight of the bloody stump and relating  limbs .was beyond description. The sight of mangled lumps of human flesh was like getting physically shocked. I went from dozing to hyperventilating.
I found it difficult not thinking about it. Going back to my nap was no longer an option. Who was that, I thought? Why. Why did they do that. Something happened. I wondered what it was. What happened in their life that made this seem like a justifiable option.
I'd been out of prison about five years at that point so I was still rebuilding my life. I was struggling but not too bad. I did not have a life worth taking back in 2005. I was working on creating a new life and starting from zero. If I lost it all at his point in life, I would not lose much. I began to remember how it felt to lose it all. ------------------ painful memory.  I remember swallowing a whole bottle of Valium and waking up in the hospital the next day and spending the next few days in a treatment facility.  With those thoughts fresh in my mind, I began to understand that kind of desperation it took to make something like this look like a viable option.
I know too many couple staying together for all the wrong reasons, Fear and Money.
I've heard countless men say
"I'd divorce her if I could afford it"
They didn't want to give half up. Their logic, It's better to have all the assets under one roof and be miserable then split everything for a shot at happiness. People don't want to be happy. They don't think it's possible.
Love and passion never enter into the equation. Not in love. Not friends anymore. No respect for each other. Little if any tolerance.
With two failed marriages I cannot give marital advice and don't want to give marital advice.
Many of these people are in leadership roles and I ask all, what kind of leader are you if you are absent passion in your life, in your work, and in your relationships? If you lead a life absent passion how can you teach passion to anyone? --------- The answer is, You don't. You teach them to have the same life you have even if you are miserable.
Teaching others a path to misery would not be acceptable in an enlighten society.
Again I say: "Misery Loves company"
Where are the people leading a path to Love, Joy and Passion? The world needs more of them.

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