Monday, May 14, 2012

B10) Conversations

The most shocking story I heard while locked up came from one of my cell mates. I think Hector was his name. He was a few years older than me, he was thirty six I was thirty two at the time. As it turned out we were both locked up for drugs. Me selling, him using.

Hector was a heroin addict. He was the kind of junkie that stole on a daily basis in order to feed his habit. Hector had been a junkie for twenty years, since he was sixteen.

Hector was from Tucson, a high school dropout that got involved with gangs. He lived on the wrong side of town. His father had been in and out of prison all his life. His mother was part of the uneducated labor force.

At the age of sixteen Hector got his girlfriend pregnant and became a father. The day his child was born He returned home from the hospital to share his news with his dad.

Hectors father got out a sack of heroin his supplies for fixing.

His dad said:

“Today you became a man. This is how men celebrate”

After uttering those words Hector’s dad injected him with the syringe of heroin. This experience put hector on the path of addiction.

I never really got over the shock of that story.

After hearing that story I felt as if I’d lived a charmed life.

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